Hovedkontor Haugesund
Haraldsgata 190 5525 Haugesund
Avdelingskontor Bergen
Bredalsmarken 15 5006 Bergen
Avdelingskontor Kristiansand
Kjøita 21 4630 Kristiansand S
Avdelingskontor Stavanger
Richard Johnsens gate 4 4021 Stavanger

7.8 million for innovative course development

7.8 million for innovative course development: From left: Elin Østensen Brekke, Hilde Haave Detz and Lina Frøland, the team behind AOF Vestlandet-Agder's innovative course development, which is ready to meet the skills needs of the labour market.

AOF Vestlandet-Agder is delighted to have been awarded almost NOK 7.8 million for the development and piloting of five innovative course and education programmes. These programmes will meet the urgent need for skills in Norwegian working life and strengthen the workforce with both skilled and unskilled backgrounds.

Development in collaboration with the industry

Through close cooperation with relevant industry players, AOF Vestlandet-Agder’s development department has succeeded in securing funding for all five submitted proposals in three different Industry Programmes. With this award, we will be able to offer specialised training aimed at sectors such as waste and recycling, industry and construction, as well as information security and ICT.

Digital offers ready in spring 2025

These digital offerings are planned to be market-ready in spring 2025:

  • HSE management aimed at the waste and recycling industry
  • Project and facility management for the same sector
  • Operational management in the workplace aimed specifically at the construction industry
  • Course in Cloud Computing for the IT sector
  • Additional courses in project and facility management for the waste and recycling industry

The work will start in early autumn 2024, and the aim is to launch the courses digitally, maximising accessibility for all interested participants.

Covering in-demand expertise

Our development department, headed by Inger Johanne Bligaard together with advisors Hilde Haave Detz and Elin Østensen Brekke, as well as coordinator Lina Frøland, has carefully mapped the needs of the relevant industries. By following up these needs with targeted courses, we are laying the foundation for significant skills development in line with employers’ wishes and society’s needs.

Inger Johanne Bligaard, Head of Strategy and Innovation.

Inger Johanne Bligaard

– This award represents an important step for AOF Vestlandet-Agder in our endeavour to be a key player in developing the workforce of the future. We look forward to launching these courses as a direct response to the labour market’s demand for skills.

AOF Vestlandet-Agder is enthusiastic and proud to be able to help shape a more skilled and adapted labour market for the future.

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