Hovedkontor Haugesund
Haraldsgata 190 5525 Haugesund
Avdelingskontor Bergen
Bredalsmarken 15 5006 Bergen
Avdelingskontor Kristiansand
Kjøita 21 4630 Kristiansand S
Avdelingskontor Stavanger
Richard Johnsens gate 4 4021 Stavanger

Explore the Competence Ladder

In a world where the need for knowledge is constantly growing, AOF Vestlandet-Agder offers Kompetansestigen, a thoughtful study programme that supports your continuous professional growth.

Illustrasjon av en kompetansestige med avstanderte trinn som representerer ulike nivåer av ferdigheter og kvalifikasjoner. Hver trinn symboliserer en progresjon i læring eller faglig utvikling. Bakgrunnen er ren og minimalistisk for å fremheve stigens betydning som en vei til kunnskapsforbedring.

The Competence Ladder is designed for those who want to expand their skills through targeted courses and programmes.

Our Competence Ladder gives you the opportunity to:

  • Choose from a variety of courses that build on each other, from introductory level to more advanced courses.
  • Receive training and support from our dedicated and knowledgeable instructors.
  • Apply newly learnt knowledge practically, with relevant and applicable course content.
  • See clear development in your professional understanding and skills.

At AOF Vestlandet-Agder, we understand the value of lifelong learning. The Competence Ladder is a resource for anyone who wants to stay professionally updated and improve their professional competences.