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Working with the youngest children
(0 – 3 years) in kindergarten
The programme provides the professional with good tools for working with the youngest children. Topics such as sensory stimulation, play, interaction, weaning and attachment theories will be central to the programme.
The programme provides the professional with good tools for working with the youngest children. Topics such as sensory stimulation, play, interaction, weaning and attachment theories will be central to the programme. You will receive training in observation in order to identify any special needs of the child at an early stage.
The behaviour of the youngest children is expressed through their play and interaction with their surroundings. Relational competence, educational perspectives and social competence are therefore emphasised in the programme.
If you work with children, it’s important that you have good expertise in facilitating opportunities for children to be seen, be held to high standards and experience the joy of success.
You can complete your internship at your own workplace. This is a vocational school in the evening, which is completed over 2 years and can be combined with work.
The programme can be offered in the following counties:
Rogaland, Vestland and Agder.
Organisation of training
– The programme can be carried out as a location-based, online with sessions or online part-time programme. Select the desired location for the programme to see how it is planned to be carried out in your area.
– Completion of the programme results in 60 credits and the degree designation «Fagskolegrad»
The programme is suitable for
For children’s and youth workers or equivalent prior learning employed in a kindergarten.
Each course ends with an exam. The type of exam is stated in the individual programme plan.
Admission requirements and course content
Education offerings
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