Hovedkontor Haugesund
Haraldsgata 190 5525 Haugesund
Avdelingskontor Bergen
Bredalsmarken 15 5006 Bergen
Avdelingskontor Kristiansand
Kjøita 21 4630 Kristiansand S
Avdelingskontor Stavanger
Richard Johnsens gate 4 4021 Stavanger

Vocational programme in systems and analysis for skilled workers

We are introducing the vocational school programme «System and Analysis». This programme is tailored to meet the ever-increasing demand from both business and the public sector. The programme gives you the necessary skills to navigate and analyse large amounts of data.

Increasing demand

With increasing demand for expertise in data analysis in both the business and public sectors, the need for the vocational school programme «System and Analysis» has become more apparent. Insights from the business community and skills barometers such as NHO’s 2021 edition and Haugaland Vekst’s 2022 report point to the lack of employees who can navigate and analyse large amounts of data. This programme responds to this need by equipping skilled workers with the necessary skills and insight to meet current and future challenges in analysis and data management.

System and analysis – 30 credits.

With the vocational school programme «Systems and Analysis», you will gain 30 credits and sought-after expertise. Analytical skills are crucial for utilising information to strengthen business and the public sector, improve quality and efficiency, and form the basis for important decisions. Our programme aims to develop skilled workers to become managers responsible for analysis and reporting. Through practical knowledge and tools for data analysis, you will be able to contribute to improvement and digitalisation processes in your organisations. Expected outcomes include an understanding of big data, familiarity with analytics tools, and the ability to support organisational improvements. Our goal is to equip you with competences that are directly applicable in working life.

Who is the programme for?

This programme is suitable for you if you are a skilled worker from a public or private company who wants to expand your expertise in data analysis. Particularly at middle management level, this type of expertise will be in demand. The need for data analysis skills is constantly increasing, making this programme increasingly valuable over time. The programme will be of interest to both new students who have an interest in the field, but also to students who have already studied at AOF Fagskolen and who have understood the importance of the programme, and thus want to add further expertise.

Join our interest list now to be notified when the programme is set up near you!

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