In the course of 2023, 30,200 people obtained a vocational or journeyman’s certificate. This is 1,200 more than the previous year, according to figures from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. In the same year, 1,467 course participants took a theory course at AOF Vestlandet – Agder.
For us at AOF Vestlandet – Agder, it’s important to support and encourage adults who want to build on their skills. That’s why we organise our programmes and offer flexible solutions for course participants who need to strengthen their skills for the future labour market.
1,467 participants – 89 classes
Last year, the number of participants in our «theory to vocational certificate courses» increased significantly compared with previous years. A total of 1,467 course participants in 89 classes were involved in the theory programme. This increase is very positive and shows that there is an ever-increasing commitment among adults to obtaining a trade or journeyman’s certificate. It also indicates that the various measures and initiatives aimed at offering these courses to adults are beginning to yield results.
There are several factors that may have contributed to this trend. Increased access to educational opportunities, better organisation of courses, as well as a growing awareness of the value of professional competence, are among the most important contributors.
A total of 368 classes were held with a total of 6,473 participants in our course programmes, which include Norwegian language courses, in-house courses, theory to vocational certificate courses and other skills enhancement courses in our Rogaland, Vestland and Agder regions.
– «We’ve seen a very good increase in activity in 2023 compared to 2022,» says Inger Johanne Bligaard, Head of Department for Courses and Expertise.
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