Hovedkontor Haugesund
Haraldsgata 190 5525 Haugesund
Avdelingskontor Bergen
Bredalsmarken 15 5006 Bergen
Avdelingskontor Kristiansand
Kjøita 21 4630 Kristiansand S
Avdelingskontor Stavanger
Richard Johnsens gate 4 4021 Stavanger

Vocational training in observation and care of wounds

Observation and care of wounds - a vocational school programme tailored for those who already work in the healthcare sector and want to expand their expertise in wounds and wound care.

We now offer the vocational school programme «Observation and care of wounds«, which is tailored for those who already work in healthcare and want to expand their expertise in wounds and wound care.

Developed in collaboration with the healthcare sector

Wounds are one of the healthcare system’s biggest challenges, and it is estimated that more than 50,000 people live with chronic wounds in Norway. Of these, 70-80 per cent are elderly people receiving municipal nursing services. With a growing shortage of nurses in Norway, it will be necessary for healthcare professionals’ competences to be given more depth and expanded to include more areas.

Together with partners in the health and care sector, AOF Vestlandet-Agder has developed the vocational school programme «Observation and care of wounds» to meet the need for expertise in wounds and wound care. By increasing the wound expertise of the healthcare professional group, many wounds can be prevented and followed up so that they heal or are prevented from getting worse. This will prevent pain and reduced quality of life for patients, it will also save society and the healthcare system resources and can help more elderly people to live at home for longer.

Observation and care of wounds – 30 credits.

The vocational school programme «Observation and care of wounds» gives you 30 credits and sought-after expertise in wounds and wound care. The programme has been developed to meet the growing need in the healthcare sector for specialised knowledge in this area. The programme will provide expertise in observation, preventive factors and complications related to wounds so that you can provide correct wound care and implement wound procedures. It will enable healthcare professionals to take on new responsibilities, tasks and challenges in the healthcare sector, especially in wound care and treatment, as well as reassure employees who already have responsibilities without formal competences.

Who is the programme for?

The programme is particularly suitable for healthcare professionals who want to expand their expertise in the observation and care of wounds. The vocational school programme is for those with a certificate as a healthcare professional or paramedic. Care workers, nursing assistants and health secretaries can also apply. Prior learning will also be assessed upon admission. In addition, those with authorisation as a nurse or social worker may also be eligible to apply.

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